Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day #11 - Good Night John Boy

Any of you who grew up watching the Waltons will remember that Charlottesville was the Big City near Walton Mountain.  Well yesterday, Monday 10/3/11, Kevin rode his bike from Mineral, VA right through the Big City on his way to Greenwood, VA! 67 more miles logged.
Another cold, wet morning leaving Mineral.
Will the sun ever return??
Along the way some more locals cheered Kev along and a couple decided to jump in front of the bus just to make sure everyone was awake!  They are DEFINITELY in the country now!
Riding through Charlottesville they passed University of Virginia (UVA).
Kevin spent the night at Misty Mountain Camp, hoping for a good night's rest because Tuesday he will be heading into the Blue Ridge Mountains!
Good night John Boy!

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Dan and Pat said...

Was just listening to the Holmes Bros, thinking of the night the three of us went and standing on my head on the edge of the ledge was playing almost sounds like some of the ride you are experiencing with the weather you will still grab that extra $100.00 from Rewinski. Stay tough

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